Past Chapter Presidents

35September 2024 Cam J. Reynolds
34October 2023September 2024Harry D. Evans
33October 2022October 2023Anthony S. Pugliese
32October 2021October 2022John Scott
31October 2020October 2021Josh M. Goode
30November 2019October 2020Andrew T. Bacon
29April 2018November 2019Matt S. Amaral
28September 2017April 2018Connor Frauendorf
27May 2016September 2017Kevin M. Pawlak
26May 2015May 2016Joe Griffin III
23April 2014April 2014Jamison Lobisser
24April 2014April 2014Samuel Dipollino
25April 2014May 2015Jamison Lobisser
22May 2013April 2014Samuel Dipollino
21May 2012May 2013Sean Foote
20May 2011May 2012Joseph Flaherty
19September 2010May 2011Andrew Lazouras
18December 2009August 2010Michael Warburton
17June 2009December 2009Lee M. Giunta
16December 2008June 2009Andrew Lazouras
15February 2007December 2008Matthew Ross
14January 2006February 2007Ray Donofrio
13October 2005January 2006Todd Lessard
12February 2005October 2005Christian Pickett
11March 2004February 2005Michael Moskos
10December 2002March 2004Jared Nathanson
9August 2002December 2002Marcus Dierna
8January 2000October 2001Bryan D. Hitchcock
7October 1998January 2000Anthony J. Rose
6May 1997October 1998Mark H. Cohen
5January 1997May 1997David W. Zielinski
4May 1995May 1996Ariel G. Bartley
3April 1994May 1995Jeffrey E. Giroux
2May 1993April 1994Stephen D. Chanko
1May 1992 John A. Splendido

The Lambda-Phi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at Bryant University was installed as a chapter on September 28, 1968.

Since 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon has never had an exclusionary clause for membership. TKE does not judge men on their wealth, rank or honor, but instead on their personal worth and character.

Our mission is to "to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life." In essence, we build Better Men for a Better World.